Our experienced solicitors specialise in representing parents, and family members, of children involved in non-accidental injury care proceedings.

Call us today if you need urgent advice or have an urgent court hearing (07808860202)


Our childcare team work tirelessly to provide support and legal services to parents involved in childcare proceedings. Children may at times are injured in the care of their parents, these injuries may occur without an explanation being provided, or that explanation is disputed by doctors. These types of injuries are known as non-accidental injuries (NAI). If a parent is accused of causing an injury, the local authority (social services) is likely to step in and bring the matter to Court. This is where our team come in, to provide expert legal advice to ensure your child remains in your care! 


Doctor and patient.

At Parents and Proceedings, we specialise in defending parents in care proceedings who have been accused of harming their child.

If you have been accused of an injury to your child the Local Authority will make an urgent application to the Court.  This type of case is referred to as non-accidental injury (NAI). We can help you explain the injury and prove that it is safe for your child to remain in your care.

Our people

Parents in Proceedings is a national law firm with dedicated team of expert professionals. Our expert team specialises in providing comprehensive legal support and advice for parents in non-accidental injury care proceedings. On our 'Our People' page, you can explore and connect with our experienced solicitors, who are committed to offering tailored, compassionate guidance. Contact us today for the help you need.

Our experts solicitors are available today to discuss your non-accidental injury case. Please call Ruth (Partner) on 07808860202 or Rachael on 07889573261 if you need urgent advice or have an urgent court hearing.


We Are Here to Provide Legal Help

Our experts solicitors are available today to discuss your non-accidental injury case. Please call Ruth (Partner) on 07808860202 or Rachael on 07889573261 if you need urgent advice or have an urgent court hearing. 

To contact our office line you can call the following number during office hours: 0117 967 9800

We are available 24/7 to assist you, if your call is out of office hours call: 07808 860202